What's Happening?!
Fall Gup Test
Good Wolf will have a fall gup test on Saturday November 16th. As always, make sure to practice your techniques and forms, study the Korean history and terminology, and take advantage of every class and open studio opportunity available to maximize your on-floor training.
Open Studio
Good Wolf has numerous open studio times, including Mondays 5:30-7 and select Saturdays 12:30-3. These are great opportunities for you and your students to utilize the dojang floor for solo or partner practice, as well as receive one-on-one instruction from myself and other senior dan and gup students.
The iCal has all the details.
Demo Team
Good Wolf is looking to start a demo team! If you or your student are interested, the first step is to sign up for the separate "Demo Team" newsletter, here on http://www.goodwolftsd.com > Account > Emails.
Upcoming Regional Events
Region 1, Great Falls weekend, Sept 20-22
Region 20, San Diego Weekend, Oct 4-6
World Ki Gong, Wisconsin weekend, Oct 11-13
The iCal has all the details.